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Zoho is a cloud-based suite of business applications, offering tools for CRM, project management, invoicing, email marketing, and human resources to enhance productivity and collaboration.

Churned seamlessly integrates with Zoho as a destination connection. If you already use Zoho, we highly recommend connecting to it, as it is the fastest way to experience the full value Churned has to offer. This integration ensures real-time data synchronization and enhances your ability to engage with customers effectively.

How to connect Zoho to

Login to Churned platform and go to integration part. Click on "New Integration" and add Zoho.

After adding Zoho, you will need some more information to continue.

Here’s how to obtain the these credentials from Zoho:

To obtain the clientId, clientSecret, and refreshToken for integrating Zoho, follow these steps:

1. Client ID and Client Secret

  1. Log in to Zoho Developer Console:

  2. Create a New Client:

    • Click on "Add Client".

    • Fill in the necessary details such as Client Name, Homepage URL, and Authorized Redirect URIs.

    • Select the "Server-based Applications" option.

  3. Generate Client ID and Client Secret:

    • After creating the client, you will be provided with the Client ID and Client Secret.

    • Copy these values and store them securely.

2. Refresh Token

To generate the Refresh Token, you will need the Client ID and Client Secret obtained earlier. Follow these steps:

  1. Request Authorization Code:

    • Construct an authorization URL using the following format:[ClientID]&response_type=code&access_type=offline&redirect_uri=[RedirectURI]
    • Replace [ClientID] with your actual Client ID and [RedirectURI] with the URI you specified during the client creation.

  2. Obtain Authorization Code:

    • Navigate to the constructed URL in a web browser.

    • Authorize the application and you will be redirected to the specified Redirect URI with a code parameter in the URL.

  3. Exchange Authorization Code for Refresh Token:

    • Use a tool like Postman or cURL to send a POST request to the following URL to exchange the authorization code for a refresh token:
    • The POST request should include the following parameters:

    • Replace [ClientID], [ClientSecret], [AuthorizationCode], and [RedirectURI] with your actual values.

  4. Copy the Refresh Token:

    • If the request is successful, you will receive a response containing the refresh token.

    • Copy and store the refresh token securely.

After obtaining the clientId, clientSecret, and refreshToken, enter them into the integration setup form in Churned platform as shown in the screenshot.

Click "Send" to complete the integration setup.

Last updated